January 6, Epiphany is an important holiday in Italy. It is the day that the Three Kings brought gifts to Jesus. Traditionally it is the Befana who brings sweets and gifts to children in Italy on January 6th.
That morning I had a training with my friends in Chiusi, Tuscany. During the Christmas holidays I only ran three times, hardly worth mentioning, so it was about time to have a proper training. This time we went for a run of 15 km.
This is the running – walking trail.
The weather was rainy and windy. Some trails were wet and slippery. It was more a cross country run, than a normal training. In summer trails are easy to walk, but in winter you need to put on your rain boots to pass these slippery trails :). The running trail was from Chiusi centre to the lake and back. I stopped a couple of times to take some pictures.
Along the road we saw an Etruscan tomb “Tomba del Colle” dated 475 – 450 B.C. Chiusi used to be an Etruscan city. They discovered many more tombs which are very interesting to visit. Unfortunately the tomb was closed. The tourist office in Chiusi has the information regarding opening hours.
From Umbria, Chiusi is easy to reach, especially when you stay in the Trasimeno area or at Città della Pieve. Chiusi is a nice Etruscan city where you can find good restaurants and bars.
-post by Sylvia van der Male-