Breakfast tea in Foligno

Dec 9, 2010 | Food and wine | 0 comments

Breakfast after lunch?
This afternoon we visited Foligno with some friends. After having enjoyed a nice lunch, about which more later, we went to a bar to have a drink. Our friend ordered a ‘te inglese’, english tea. The waiter responded ‘breakfast?’
Rather flabbergasted she looked up to the waiter and started waving her arms while saying No, no, non voglio breakfast solo un te’ (I don’t want breakfast I only want tea.) We rolled under the table laughing and she asked what we were laughing about.  Only then did it occur to her that the waiter meant to say breakfast tea since that is the what they call english tea here nomally.

The restaurant where we had lunch is ‪Osteria del Teatro‬‎ and you can find it in Via Petrucci 8, one of those dim sidestreets you’d normally pass. I had seen this restaurant before but never had been there, a handwritten note in the window of the infamous and now closed Bacco Felice and lack of other options made us decide to try it out. I wouldn’t have any problems going back, no wonder, turns out the owner chef used to work in the kitchen of Salvatore, the owner of il Bacco Felice. His dad is from Napoli which makes for a nice twist on the standard Umbrian fair. No menu, it can change daily, nice antipasti, good pasta, prices are right.


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