For quite some time Perugia has had its yearly chocolate festival, Eurochocolate. It is quite an event these days, lots of people and not easy to get into town. Besides people there is a lot of chocolate for sale. More alternative minded italians are of the opinion that the event has been hijacked by big commerce and that you can buy the chocolate they sell in normal shops as well.
There is however an alternative these days in lovely old Gubio where from 16 till 18 Octobre they organise Altro Cioccolato wich has a very varied programme.
Funny something like this is organised in Gubbio. The inhabitants of this town are also known as ‘matti’ (madmen). There even is a Fontana dei Matti, a fountain wich will make you a honorary citizen if you encircle it three times. Proof on paper that you are really quite mad can be bought afterwards in one of the shops. Why not join the club?
Here some pictures from last years Eurochocolate.
- Can’t miss these…..
- Something chocolatly for your dog?
- Well yes chocolate-pasta. We are in Italy after all.