Dining in Anghiari

Nov 22, 2009 | Food and wine | 0 comments

If you cross the border between Tuscany and Umbria near Citta di Castello you’ll find yourself in a small Tuscan town called Anghiari. For months we had been planning to pay it a visit. Last week we were in the area anyway so it didn’t take long to decide that supper would be enjoyed in Anghiari.
The restaurant we had chosen is called Da Alghiero. A fortunate choice. Creative wholesome food. Even the bread was of high quality, unusual in Umbrian / Tuscan restaurants. After the meal the cook payed our table a visit and I couldn’t help noticing there was something unusual about her accent. French, German? German it was, she had been in Italy for more than 20 years.
This immediately explained the toothsome bread and light fresh dishes. A pity her husband didn’t exude the same friendliness his wife did. He tried to behave but we found him rather uninterested and slighly borish. A bad day?
Despite this let it not put you of visiting the place. The cook will make it worthwhile visiting Da Alghiero


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