Eremo Santa Maria Giacobbe near Foligno

May 6, 2011 | General, Things to do in Umbria | 0 comments

Seven days in a week and every one of them has its merits and yes downsides. In Italy it is the same but for one day. You may have a bad day but it still is Sunday which means: big lunch or fare una passeggiata con amici!

Going out in the countrysides with friends, family and whoever wants to join is a big pastime in Italy. You’ll see big groups of people with rucksacks (no prize for guessing what is in there) and dressed according to the latest outdoor trends. And yes apart from the latest bit we now and then strike out to for instance to Eremo Santa Maria Giacobbe near Foligno.

A unique place.  Normally it is closed for public but a friend of ours invited us since he knew it would be opened that very day for a large group.
The whole place seems to dangle for a cliff and it is a nice 30 minute climb over a well kept track. A small building with smaller kitchen and a tiny church with fantastic fresco’s will await the climber. The last hermit left 50 years ago.

It really makes you wonder what makes someone want to stay in that place. They have been doing from at least 1200 years ago! In summer you’ll have fantastic views, wildlife, birds singing and some vegetables in your small garden but in winter? Cold biting winds, darkness and little fresh food.
The eagle eyed among us who drive the splendid road that bends its way through the mountains from Foligno to Macerata can see the Eremo when they are near Pale.


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