Goose eggs

Mar 26, 2011 | Food and wine, General | 0 comments

Our neighbours, a small kilometre down the road from our house, have some small animals on their farm. At the moment they have kamikaze chickens, the ones that cross the road just in front of oncoming vehicles (mostly mine). They also have some geese, two to be precise. Last year there were more but most didn’t make it passed Christmas. Now these geese lately have become rather prolific egg producers laying an egg every other day.

After we knocked on their door last week we were whisked in, put in a chair and before we could say hello we had a glass of red wine in front of us. Their peasant wine is quite good (unfortunately is not all home made wine is a pleasure to drink). Upon leaving we got a salami which we had helped make and two wonderful big goose eggs.

Goose eggs are amazing, they are huge with a very tough shell and an incredible creaminess. Best way to prepare them is as a frittata or scrambled egg. I know what they mean with ‘golden eggs’ now.

goose eggs

goose eggs


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