Heartfelt….. (?)

Nov 8, 2011 | Events, music and arts, Food and wine | 0 comments

As mentioned, we went to a natural wine fair. Always nice to see old friends, especially when they point you to something you have not seen before. You see, these wine fairs can be quite busy and it is all ciao here, salve there and before you know it time has flown by and you didn’t try anything new. So you go to a stand adjacent to an old friend of yours and meet an genial person who makes great wine. Dolcetto d’Ovada and Barbera del Monferrato.
The wines are very floral and dangerously gulpable. All organic, no added yeasts or worse, just pure fermented grape juice.

What makes the wines even more interesting is that through the year they get some extra hands via an organization supporting people with a mental handicap. While chatting with him about this he mentioned that he was not sure he would be on the fair next year. I asked why not and he mentioned he and his wife are getting old … I spontaneously asked why his children were not interested in taking over the hard work. Some tears dripped on his cheek. He said there were no children.

We bought a box of his wines and he only wanted to sell if we promised him we would come to visit him, ma certamente! That will be a real pleasure. Just before we left he mentioned that the bright light was making his eyes water. I would have embraced him and take away all his sorrow, unfortunately that is not possible!


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