Happy New year to all of you!
I hope all the coureur service in Italy made a simple new years pledge, being: do what we are supposed to do.
Why? Well some of you might know we have a somewhat different taste of wine. What that is? Well supermarket won’t do. So what do you do when you need some nice Christmas gifts? You call a winery whose owners have become good friends and order some of their delectable products. To be sure you get your presents in time you order around the 10th of December. You transfer the money…..and then the goods enter the courier quagmire and get lost till the 30th of december.
In short we and some friends ordered 8 boxes (96 bottles). We got 8 boxes allright but not the right ones, the stuff we needed went to the border with yugoslavia and we got the stuff that was to go there. A few days later the boxes we had were picked up by the courier and transported to the right destination. We remained in limbo and didn’t receive anything. Lots of times on the telephone, listening to ‘we don’t knows, sorry’s, can’t you drive the measly 250 km and pick it up yourself’s’. No kidding!
So no Christmas gifts, no excuses and only on the last day of the year did our bottles arrive. All boxes had been opened, one was missing, another opened. In real the story was much more complicated but my brain has turned to mush after this episode of ‘daily life in Italy’ and I’m too discombobulated to bother.
If you are to use a courier in Italy, last years prize for punctuality went to SDA and UPS. Hope they made and keep their pledge!