Off to the Market

Oct 21, 2009 | Events, music and arts | 0 comments

Chianina cow

Chianina cow

This morning we planned to go to the market in the lovely Citta di Castello. I had to be in the area anyway to take some pictures of a splendid house wich we rent out. Normally on Saturdays there is a large fruit and vegetable market in Castello. Today however they sold everything except vegetables!
There was a Fiera, you could have bought cheese, meat, huge cianina cows, tractors, clothes and porchetta by the truckload etc. Porchetta being a whole suckling pig boned, and filled with its own innards wich have been briefly fried with strong herbs, mostly fennel, garlic and rosemary. It is then skillfully slowly roasted for four hours and sold in thin slices. You can take it home to your casa or have the slices placed in a bun and devour it on the spot. No market can cal itself a market in Umbria if it hasn’t got a Porchetta vendor. I counted no less than 7 in this one!
We however were looking for a special herb stand and ran franticly across the place wich covered more or less half of Castello. We were told that the normal market was at the ‘end’ It turned out there was no ‘normal’ market this saturday, bad luck.
We did however chatted with a cheesemaker and tasted some of his delicious cheese. We asked some more bought some cheese and got a whole bag of rinds of some sort of Parmigiano, good for winter stews and another free piece to try at home. It was a peer infused cheese, very special and well made.
So not what we were looking for but very happy after all!


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