It is the time of the year again for all ‘produttori di dolci’ to try and sell as many of their big airy cakes as possible. I always get the feeling you can’t walk in any town or village without encountering some vague conoscente and be burried under all the panettones they throw in your direction.
Not only that but you also get mental from hearing the best Christmas song ever, courtesy of Bauli. Or check out the Bauli site to hear it. Be warned you won’t get it out of your head for at least the next 5 hours.
Now Panatone is supposed to be something special but as it goes with a lot of good things it has reached a quality and price level that makes any gourmand frown. In the supermarkets you can grab panettoni from piles so high you need a ladder, with prices of around 4 euro’s. Some stores can’t be bothered to pile them high and they display them on the pallets they get delivered on. Fancy some tooth ruining frizzante with that? Take the combibox for only 2 euro’s extra. To be honest I’m amazed at those prices. Judging from the labels you may as well buy a chemical experiment box and eat its baked contents with some sugar but how you make those lovely colourful boxes for that money and transport them all over the place, plus earn some as well is dumbfounding. And you get them even cheaper when all the new years parties are over!
A big plus is that they are indistructable, they last for months if not years. So in the summer you rip a box open and make french toast with them.
But there must be good versions you say? Probably but didn’t find one yet even €18 euro’s which I admit is not a huge amount if you know how they should be made, didn’t deliver a satisfactory Pandoro. The same shop I bought that one also had one costing €32 and while I’m tempted I think I’ll pass it by for at least this year. I am still working my way through the 18 euro panettone!