It is about a month now that people have started harvesting olives in Umbria. Some have already finished, others are still picking olives. During this period there are many events and local markets where you can taste the new olive oil. Bruschetta with new olive oil! Hmmm!
During these markets the Umbrian people also promote their local food. For example different kinds of cheeses, sausages, marmalades, wine and honey. You can eat, drink and enjoy all the good things that Umbria has to offer.
Last weekend there was a similar event in Spello: “L’oro di Spello”, which means “the gold of Spello”. On every corner of the street there were market stalls offering their oil and other local products. There was music and entertainment for everybody. In the afternoon you could participate at conferences organised by “bloggers” about Umbrian food. An interesting topic was the “Chianina” which is a famous cow in the Umbrian as well as in the Tuscan region. Its meat is expensive and tasty. The animal itself is impressively big.
Spello is well known for its olive oil, the good life and the good cuisine. The village is not far from Assisi and the view is magnificent. Mount Subasio is part of the Apennine Mountains in the province of Perugia. On its slopes are located the ancient towns of Assisi and Spello. In Spello is the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, a beautiful baroque church, worth a visit. Besides the beautiful sights you can also find nice wine bars and shopping addresses.
– Post by Sylvia van der Male –
MMMM, I can almost taste teh oil from here! Great post, have added Umbria to my travel list!!! Liz :o)