Umbertide festa dell’ottocento

Oct 11, 2009 | Events, music and arts | 0 comments

Umbertide sagra

Umbertide sagra

Yesterday evening was the first night of the annual Umbertide festival. The old centre has miraculously been transformed back to 1800. Wherever you look there are stands with foods and people performing handycrafts of yesteryear.
We had joined a local couple who had also invited their friends. A great italian tradition. Before dinner they were all chirping away like birds. When the antipasta arrived everything became eerily quiet. After a few minutes of tasting and approving and we turned into one of those boisterous italian tables. We were wellcomed like old friends, not an unpleasant feeling!
After dinner we had a lovely stroll through the old town. Great atmosphere!
Some more pictures:


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