Yearly market in Todi
On November 11th is a yearly market in Todi on Saint Martins’s day. The atmosphere at the yearly market is pleasant and cosy.
From the Piazzale della Consolazione in Todi up to the Piazza del Popolo are more than 200 market stalls. The vendors offer their local products, goods and much more.
Todi is situated on top of a hill overlooking the surrounding green hills. The musea, the cosy squares and the old houses are all inside the antique city walls. While on the edge of the town is the 16th Century Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione.
The terraces are full with locals enjoying the autumn sun. Todi is a place to come and enjoy a glass of red wine or a Spritz with friends and family.
Saint Martin’s Day
Saint Martin’s market is only once a year on the 11th of November. I have asked people what Saint Martin means and why it is celebrated on that day. Saint Martin is one of the patron saints of Todi. Therefor it is not linked to the start of the Carnival season.
Saint Martin lived in the 4th century. After having been a soldier for many years he turned to Christianity. Furthermore he founded an abbey in France where he became the bishop of Tours. Saint Martin was buried on November the 11th in the year 397.
All over Italy on this day there are local activities celebrating the last days of relative warmth. November is the end of the harvest season, the new wine and olive oil are celebrated.
Autumn in Italy
November may not be your first choice to travel to Italy but autumn has its unique charms. It is the period of the new olive oil, wine, chestnuts, dried fruit and clementines.
Almost on every corner of the street one finds somebody selling warm chestnuts often with the new ‘novello’ wine.
Due to the warm autumn sun that gives the landscape unique colors it is great to enjoy all these local delicacies.
I would love to visit that city!