Mugnanesi is a very small hamlet set in the municipality of Castiglione del Lago. There are maybe 10 houses and one church. There is no bar, but one restaurant: Osteria di Mugnanese. Osteria di Mugnanese is only open when you’ve made a reservation in the weekend, otherwise you’ll find the restaurant closed.
In this osteria one eats the traditional Trasimeno cuisine. They prepare local fish dishes with fish from the Trasimeno Lake. Despite it’s location closer to the Lakes of Montepulciano and Chiusi, they always get their fish from the Trasimeno Lake.
“Osteria di Mugnanese Pesce di Lago Brustico e Tegamaccio”.
Pesce di Lago Brustico means roasted fish. Brustico derives from the verb abbrusticare and means to roast. Pesce di Lago Brustico is a traditional fish dish from the Etruscan civilization.
The south of Tuscany, Chiusi, Montepulciano but also Orvieto, Perugia are typical Etruscan sites. In Chiusi for example is the “Museo Nazionale Etrusco e Tombe”, and Orvieto has a labyrinth of many caves and tunnels all created by Etruscan people. But this being said…
The tegamaccio is a traditional fish soup with eel, pike and tench. I wouldn’t know the recipe of this fish soup really, but you eat it with toasted bread, tomato sauce and fish from the lake.
One can eat inside and outside on the terrace. The owner and waitress are very friendly. The entrance is a bit hidden, but from the outside it looks cosy and welcome. Mugnanesi itself is not worth a visit, but I can recommend the detour to everybody who loves eating fish from the Trasimeno Lake.
Osteria di Mugnanese
Località di Mugnanesi, 11
06061 Mugnanesi
Castiglione del Lago (PG)
Telnr: +393473307452