Fabro in Umbria

Fabro in Umbria

Fabro in Umbria is a small medieval hilltop village in West Umbria, close to the Tuscan border. It is a small village, but the views from Fabro over the Umbrian countryside make it worth the effort. There are narrow and charming streets with a few bars where locals...

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Sagrantino di Montefalco

Sagrantino di Montefalco

Last week I was invited to come to Montefalco where the owners of La Vigna, an agriturismo near Saragano in Umbria, were to expose their wines at Enologica. This is a wine tasting event to celebrate the grape harvest and the production of yet again new top wines in...

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Ristorante Pizzeria Archibugio in Lugnano

Ristorante Pizzeria Archibugio in Lugnano

Ristorante Pizzeria Archibugio in Lugnano, a small hamlet not far from Città di Castello, has always been a farm run by Dante and Luciana. They began a restaurant quite some years ago now, and I had the pleasure to eat here with my family. The agriturismo The...

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